skeeled Blog

How to Use the Scheduler

Written by Daniela Costa | Feb 16, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Every talent acquisition professional agrees that interview scheduling is one of the most frustrating tasks within the hiring process. Finding the most convenient time for everyone can be quite challenging, leading to the back and forth of emails and phone calls that can last several days.

Wasting so much time with such a low-value task is what makes it especially exasperating. However, with our scheduler, you can get free of all that hassle while still delivering a personal experience to your candidates.

__Check our "how-to" tutorial to see how easy it is to use skeeled’s scheduler: __

1- You can access the Scheduler by clicking on the calendar symbol on the menu. The first thing you need to do is to set your preferences to synchronize your personal calendars.

1.1 - In “__Accounts__”, choose your calendar provider (we integrate with Google, Apple, office 365, Exchange or Outlook).

1.2 - You’ll then see an authorization request from skeeled. Just click “__Yes__” and then choose the account you want to link.

1.3 - Finally, give permission to our provider (Cronofy) to access your calendar and the synchronisation will be complete.

You can also add more calendars from other providers. Just click “__Add calendar account__” and repeat the process.

2 - Regardless of your general availability, which will be shown when you schedule an interview, you can set a specific schedule for interviews with skeeled. To do so, click on "Personal availability" and select the time slots. Click on “__Save new rules__” and you’re ready to start scheduling interviews with your top candidates.

3 - Go to a candidate’s profile, click on the “__Actions__” button and then choose “__Schedule interview__”.

3.1 - Next, fill in the message details. You can either choose an existing template or write an interview invitation from scratch. skeeled allows candidates to self-schedule their interview according to their own availability. As such, a scheduling link will be sent in this email. Add a message for them to know what the link is for. If you wish you can also add your personal signature.

3.2 - Next, select the type of appointment (video call, phone call or in-person). Note that the “URL” field is mandatory, however, if non-applicable you can write something like N/A. Then, if you wish to invite other users to participate in the interview, such as the hiring manager or another recruiter, click “Add user__” and select the person’s name. Note that only __users who have synchronised their calendar will appear on the list.

3.3 - In the schedule section, define the duration of the time slots and set your availability by selecting the time slots that the candidate can choose. Note that grey slots correspond to the periods in which you and the users you invited already have an appointment or that were defined on the preferences as not available for interviews. You can still select them, but they will remain unavailable for the applicant.

3.4 - Finally, make sure everything is in order and click “__Send invitation__”. A success message will appear.

4 - To make it even faster to schedule interviews, you can send an invitation to multiple candidates at once. Go to the applicants tab and click “__Bulk Actions__”. Then, select all the candidates you want to invite for an interview and select “__Schedule interview__” on the actions list. The next steps are the same as we’ve described before.

And don’t worry, each candidate will receive an individual email and a dedicated link to self-schedule their interview. Moreover, the available slots will be updated in real-time as candidates complete the scheduling.

5 - When a candidate schedules an interview or declines your invitation, you receive an email.

6 - On the “__My agenda__” tab, you can see all your appointments for the day.

7 - On the “Events__” tab, you can see all your appointments, whether they’re upcoming, pending, cancelled, declined or expired events. You can also click on "__Show team events" to see all the events of your team.

7.1 - In “Upcoming events__” you can see and manage all your __future appointments. You can check the interviews scheduled, the participants’ information and you can access the link of online interviews. If you click on the options button, you can cancel or reschedule each event.

7.2 - In “__Pending events__” you can see the interview invitations you sent that have not yet been accepted or declined by the candidates.

7.3 - In "Cancelled events", you can check the events that were cancelled and in "Declined events" you can see the interview invitations that were not accepted. Finally, in "Expired events", you can see the interview invitations that were not accepted within the schedule availability sent to the candidate.

7.4 - To cancel an event, click on the actions button and choose “__Cancel__” and fill the form. The candidate and the other participants will receive an email notifying them about the cancellation.

7.5 - To reschedule an event, click on the actions button and choose “__Reschedule__”. Fill the form and set your new availability for the candidate to reschedule. The candidate and the participants will receive an email notifying them about the cancellation of the previous event. Afterwards, the candidate receives a new email to reschedule the interview according to the new availability of the recruiter.

Click on the image to watch the video tutorial on YouTube:

Skeeled offers you the perfect opportunity to bring innovation and digitalisation to your hiring. Check our website or our LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook pages for further information.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!